Design Principles - Exercises

Design Principles - Exercises 

August 29, 2022

31 August 2022 - 29 Semptember 2022  /  Week 1 - Week 4

Hisham Rasheed 0356691

Design Principles  /  Bachelor of Design In Creative Media  /  Taylor's University




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Task 1 : attended the general brief and reviewed all the lecture videos and slides regarding the Design Principles, which include: Gestalt theory, Contrast, Emphasis, Balance, Repetition, Movement, Harmony and Unity, Symbol, Word and Image.

I chose Repetition, Movment, Empahasis, Contrast and Word and Image . 

1. Repetition

the principle of repetition simply means the reusing of the same or similar elements throughout your design. 

1.1 Idea Exploration

Reference fig 1
I took the picture from Pintrest "" .
The birds Inspired me to do the digital artwork so i used the original image and created a similar one.

Original image

The original image was photographed by me for trying out product shoots.

Photoshop layers

Final Outcome

I created a digital replica of the original image and multiplied them.

2. Movement

Movement is the path the viewer's eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas.

2.2 Idea Exploration


The reference picture is from the website 99 designs by Vista.

Photoshop layers

Final Outcome

I tried to recreate the wavy movement in the background as from the reference.

3. Emphasis

Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention

3.3 Idea Exploration


The reference picture is from the website 99 designs by Vista.

Original Image

The original image is a picture of me taken on July 2, 2020.   ,
Orignal picture posted on my profile on social media . 

Photoshop Layers

Final Outcome

I digitized the original Image and added the text "moon pimples" to emphasis.  

4. Contrast

Contrast is a principle of art, contrast refers to the arrangement of opposite elements and effects.

4.4  Idea Exploration

Reference from smashing magazine

Original Image

The original image is a screenshot of a video I took back in my hometown.

Photoshop Layers

Final Outcome

5. Word and Image

The elements or Principles of Design Principles include words and Images collaterally into a design. 

5.1  Idea Exploration

Reference from Justin Odisho

Original Image

This picture was taken earlier this year when I was in Delhi it is a continuation of the design that i did for emphasis which i used the design to paint it on a traditional Kurta and take a picture with it.  ,
The origianl artwark and this picture as a screenshot from my post on social media . 

Photoshop Layers

Final Outcome

I did the the design on photoshop and added a text saying "Delhi Belly" behind the subject thats me in the center.
As per feedback I tried adjusting my subject to the letter L to show the the text more but when I transform the image it's affecting the propotion.

All the original works are uploaded on this Drive link for further properties, 


week 2 : I was not able to attend the class because I was't feeling well.

week 3 : I was done with only 4 designs and was told to update my blog since it didnt have the major contents like the inspiration, referance and final outcome, my blog wasn't ready until then. All the designs I did was on photoshop so I had to show the proof for the design Layers. Fore movement i was adviced the design principle didnt make quiet sense and the text " moon Pimples " for emphasis I was advised to change the main focal lenth of the text.

Week 4 : My Blog was still unorganised but I udated the reference and original image, but had to provide more information on the original picture since most of them were taken by myself as small projects. My fourth Design was done the word and Image In which i was adviced to make the text behind the subject more obvious as in making the letter ' L ' in Delhi the subject. 



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