
Showing posts with the label Typograpghy

Typography / Final Compilation

 29/08/2022 - 28/12/2022  /  week 1 - week 14 Hisham Rasheed / 0356691 Typography / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School Task Task 1:  Exercises-Type Expression and Text Formatting Task 2:  Typographic Exploration and Communication (Text Formatting and Expression) Task 3:  Type Design and Communication Submissions Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expression 29/8/2022 - 19/9/2022 / Week 1 - Week 5 Fig 1.1 - Final Type Expression - JPEG, Week 4 (17/9/2022)   Fig 1.2 - Final Type Expression - PDF, Week 4 (17/9/2022) Fig. 1.3 Final Animated Type Expression "Tired" - GIF, Week 4 (19/9/2022) Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting 19/9/2022 - 3/10/2022 / Week 4 - Week 6 Fig. 1.4 Final Text Formatting - JPEG, Week 5 (29/9/2022) Fig. 1.5 Final Text Formatting - PDF, Week 5 (29/...

Typography / Task 3: Type Design and Communication

 10/10/2022 -    /10/2022   /  Week 7- Week  Hisham Rasheed / 0356691 Typography / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School Exercises Task 3: Type Design and Communication Lectures Typo Task 3A Typeface construction (Shapes) 1. Research 2. sketch (about 5 to 6)  3. find a proper reference (among the 10 typefaces)  4. Deconstruction - create a typeface X-height should be 500pt X 500 pt Use guides to identify the x-height, ascender, capital, and descender lines. Typo_Task 3A_illustrator To Fontlab5 Demo Make sure to combine the letterforms by using shape-builder tools. 1. File - font info -metrics (key dimensions) 2. Double-click on each letter cell -    bring y axis close to a ...


 26/08/2022 - 16/10/2022  /  Week 6 - Week 8 Hisham Rasheed / 0356691 Typography / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media Task 2: Typographic exploration and communication Lectures See lecture notes in Task  01  INSTRUCTIONS   We must provide a two page editorial spread for task 2. We are permitted to utilize small amounts of graphical content but neither photos nor color are permitted. Using Adobe InDesign to write and convey the text typographically, with the exception of Adobe illustrator being used to create the headline. Text Formatting and Expression: Fig 1.1 Layout sketch 1 (Week 6, 3rd oct 2022) Fig 1.2 Layout sketch 2 (Week 6, 3rd oct 2022) I started off with my skethes using 'follow the code' in Fig 1.1 i sketched the text coming from the left hand side horizontally joining the letters 'f ' and ' l '  followed by continuing a line from ' l ' stra...

Typography Task 1 / Exercises

 29/08/2022- Ending Date / Week 1- Week 6  Hisham Rasheed / 0356691 Typograpghy / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media / Taylor's Task 01: Exercises 1 and 2  LECTURES Week 1 - Lecture 1 1. Early Letterform Development: Phoenician to Roman fig 1.1:  Evolution from Phoenician Lette The writing was initially the scratching of sharpened sticks into wet clay or stones that were carved with chisels. Letterforms were largely derived from the tools and the medium of writing that were used to write. fig 1.2: Direction of writing 2. Hand script from 3rd-10th century C.E. fig 1.3:  4th or 5th century Square Capitals The compressed version of square capitals allowed for twice the number of words on a piece of parchment and took significantly less time to write. They were faster and easier to do, but slightly more difficult to read due...