Typography / Final Compilation

 29/08/2022 - 28/12/2022  /  week 1 - week 14

Hisham Rasheed / 0356691

Typography / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School


Task 1: Exercises-Type Expression and Text Formatting

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication (Text Formatting and Expression)

Task 3: Type Design and Communication


Task 1: Exercise 1 - Type Expression
29/8/2022 - 19/9/2022 / Week 1 - Week 5

Fig 1.1 - Final Type Expression - JPEG, Week 4 (17/9/2022)

Fig 1.2 - Final Type Expression - PDF, Week 4 (17/9/2022)

Fig. 1.3 Final Animated Type Expression "Tired" - GIF, Week 4 (19/9/2022)

Task 1: Exercise 2 - Text Formatting
19/9/2022 - 3/10/2022 / Week 4 - Week 6

Fig. 1.4 Final Text Formatting - JPEG, Week 5 (29/9/2022)

Fig. 1.5 Final Text Formatting - PDF, Week 5 (29/9/2022)

Task 2: Typographic Exploration and Communication
03/10/2022 - 16/10/2022 / Week 6 - Week 7

Fig. 2.1 Final Typographic Exploration and Communication - JPEG, Week 7 (10/10/2022)

Fig. 2.2 Final Typographic Exploration and Communication - PDF, Week 7 (10/10/2022)

Task 3: Type Design and Communication
17/10/2022 - 13/11/2022 / Week 8 - Week 11

Fig. 3.3 - Final Task 3: Type Design and Communication "Hisham" - JPEG, Week 10 (5/11/2022)

Fig. 3.4 - Final Task 3: Type Design and Communication "Hisham" - PDF, Week 10 (5/11/2022)

Fig. 3.5 - "Hisham" Typo Poster  - JPEG, Week 10 (5/11/2022)

Fig. 3.6 - "Hisham" Typo Poster  - PDF, Week 10 (5/11/2022)

Font Download 



I discovered there is more to typography than merely choosing a font during my 14-week course. It's about using typography to make a statement. As designers of typefaces, we are continuously balancing aesthetics and readability. Typography design is all about using typefaces to express emotion, which is just as crucial as using color or imagery to give life to your brand or design. My experience with class typography has been fun.


While working on my tasks it has come to my realization that typeface design accomplishes a variety of tasks, including making text comprehensible, generating feelings, and developing a recognizable corporate identity. Good typographic design in a brand logo can influence how I feel about it, and dynamic font combinations can add visual interest to presentations. My attention has always been held without becoming distracted by effective typography. Similar to overdone flashy typography, which draws attention away from the brand. During task 1, I felt more creative and fascinated, Kerning gave me a whole new experience with learning spacing and understanding.


I have come to learn that typography has numerous facets as you go more into depth about the basics of typography. Undoubtedly, there are a number of important choices to be made, such as the font's style and the rest of the character sets. These choices included how wide should a lowercase letter's curve be in proportion to another letter's lowercase that has a comparable curve. In this way, studying typography is research since it helps us gain a piece of better knowledge. It enabled me to understand what choices led to something being the manner it is and why in a typeface. I believe if I was to work in the field of typography, learning about type development will help me both choose and use type through further research of each component of the font. This made me intrigued to discover the unknown points of typography from the beginning of my coursework.


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