Design Principles / Final Project: Visual Analysis

 01/11/2022 - //2022 / Week 10 - Week 14

Hisham Rasheed / 0356691

Design Principles  / Creative Media / Taylor's Design School



Visual Analysis: A method of understanding design that focuses on visual elements and principles. It is a critical part of visual literacy - reading and critically interpreting images.

Phase 1: Observation

Observation indicates closely looking at and identifying the visual elements of a design, and trying to describe them carefully and accurately in your own words. the observation phase is about looking, thinking, and finding good language to communicate what you notice.

Phase 2: Analysis

Analysis requires you to think about your observations and try to make statements about the work based on the evidence of your observations. Think about the specific visual elements that you've identified combined together to create a whole, and what effect that whole has on the viewer. How is your eye viewed through the work and why? apply the design principles knowledge you have learned through.

Phase 3: Interpretation

In this final phase, your observations, description, and analysis of the work and fused with facts about the design work (and in some cases the designer) and historical context that you find trustworthy published sources. What is the meaning of the design? What was the purpose for it to be created?

Final Project - Visual Analysis


I chose to analyze this video from UN WFP (world food program) It shows a very strong message about hunger, and poverty in society displaying through a very simple video. The video displays the holy month of  Ramadan, which is a month of fasting, introspection, and prayer for Muslims. 


The video emphasizes an empty plate by changing the lighting to depict the fasting from sunrise to sunset also creating a crescent moon. It also has a very strong blunt color scheme that changes with light to show changes in day and night. There are texts coming in the frame to embody the video with a strong message. Again to show changes in day and night as well as the call for prayer and ambiance there is a sound playing to support the context.


This work creates a form of strong emphasis on the center with an empty subject creating a contrasting look with the lighting and being very symmetrical when the lighting changes from the left side to the right creating a moon crescent.


The main subject in the work is the empty plate which seems to show hunger or no food which then relates to the month when people fast till sunset, but when the lighting changes from day to night processing a whole day seems like there was not even a day's meal available to poor people while the others break their fast with plenty of food left. In the video the empty plate gives a very strong message portraying hunger to show even after sunset or regardless being the month of Ramadan there is hunger and poverty among people across the world. I like how they played around with the whole thing with just one light source and a single subject but representing a powerful message.

Visual References

Fig 1.1

I got the inspiration for the sketch of a kid looking at the empty bowl from fig 1.1. 

Fig 1.2

Fig 1.3


Fig 1.4 Rough Sketch 1

The sketch represents a birds-eye view of a kid holding an empty bowl with droplets of tears forming a reflection of the kid's crying eye to showcase pain from hunger.

Fig 1.5 Rough sketch 2

In this sketch, I decided to add a background of reaching out multiple people's hands to the plate to grab the plate assuming there's any food left. 

Fig 1.6 rough sketch 3

Fig 1.6 is a background of a sandy dry area.

Final Design

Fig 1.7 1st draft

Fig 1.8 Final draft

For my final draft, I figured to go with the rough sketch of Fig 1.5 with the greedy hands in the background to show how desperate people are for food due to poverty and hunger. Throughout the design, I used earth tones and dimmed the background to give more emphasis to the main subject which is the kid holding the plate.


Week 12: Dr. Jinchi read my work and asked me to make changes to the observation and interpretation as it lacked the texts coming to the frame which I didn't mention and was interpreting a video clip in which I had to mention the visual motion and emphasis.

Week 13: My sketches were not enough and was asked to show more in respect of the idea. In the sketch, Dr. Jinchi asked me to give a background of sandy dessert vibes.


I had fun working on the whole assignment especially when I had to interpret the design which was a video clip that I was new to. I had to overcome multiple obstacles when presented with a principle application in order to successfully choose a proper design. I find the area challenging, however, upon review, I was able to understand that in order to create a successful design the phase of analysis must be considered. I would also like to include my admiration for the theme that we were able to delve into which were the main social issues of the human community.


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