Advanced Animation - Final Project

 04/22/2024 - //2023 / Week 1 - Week 14

Hisham Rasheed / 0356691

Advanced Animation / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media 

Final Project


Final Project

Our task was to make 6-10 sec action scene animation in blender using the character sir provided. We were allowed to use any free models from website for background or objects if we need.

Fig.1.1 Action scene reference video 

Fig.1.2 Action scene reference photo

I used the video for the groundwork and to get an idea of the shots, fig 1.2 helped me a lot to understand postures and work along side the character snow.

Character Name: Kai Nakamura

Background: Kai grew up in a small Japanese village, training in karate under his father, a respected master. After an earthquake destroyed the village and claimed his father’s life, Kai vowed to restore the community and honor his father's legacy.


Master Karate: Perfect his skills to honor his father's legacy and teach others.

Rebuild His Village: Restore the community and preserve its cultural heritage.

Gain Respect: Achieve recognition in the martial arts world to support his mission.

Find Personal Peace: Heal from the trauma of losing his father and home.

In the 5-second action scene, Kai’s karate moves reflect his dedication and skill, symbolizing his commitment to both his personal and community goals.


Fig.2.1 Keyframing

I started by taking positions from the reference image and keyframed it as initial and final actions to get a flow of karate actions to get a smooth animation.

the 360 flip kick was the one where I struggled a lot because of its complex movements and framing.
Plus I had to match the jump accordingly.

Fig.2.2 Kick flips

Even for this kick as in Fig 2.2, I had trouble with ligaments when I stretched them it went too far making it look wonky, once I was done with the whole timeline I adjusted them in detail.

Fig.2.2 adjusting camera

after I was done finalizing the movements I worked on the camera angles, I wanted to get a shot where a 360 panning showed the whole kickflip. And quick camera movements to add character to the shots. I took reference from the movie "The Kingsman" for the shots.

Initial facial expression of him being calm and when he starts practicing the moves it changes to an angry look.

Final Outcome


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