
Showing posts from August, 2024

Minor Project

  04/22/2024 - //2023 / Week 1 - Week 14 Hisham Rasheed / 0356691 Advanced Animation / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media  Empathy walk (Group 8) Instructions Planning Mr. Mike gave a brief overview of the module. He provided videos on brainstorming and creative thinking to complement his explanation of the design thinking tenets. Twelve possible clients were shown to us, and after giving it some thought, I decided on Taylor's University for our project. The idea was to create an empathy map for an augmented reality app that would help parents and new students get around campus.After the project was chosen, our first assignment was to choose our respective groups, and I ended up in group 8. We explored various concepts for the AR app and mapped out our ideas using Miro, an online collaborative whiteboard tool. This was an essential step in comprehending the app's possible features and functionalit