Minor Project

 04/22/2024 - //2023 / Week 1 - Week 14

Hisham Rasheed / 0356691

Advanced Animation / Bachelor of Design in Creative Media 

Empathy walk (Group 8)



Mr. Mike gave a brief overview of the module. He provided videos on brainstorming and creative thinking to complement his explanation of the design thinking tenets. Twelve possible clients were shown to us, and after giving it some thought, I decided on Taylor's University for our project. The idea was to create an empathy map for an augmented reality app that would help parents and new students get around campus.After the project was chosen, our first assignment was to choose our respective groups, and I ended up in group 8.

We explored various concepts for the AR app and mapped out our ideas using Miro, an online collaborative whiteboard tool. This was an essential step in comprehending the app's possible features and functionalities.

Miro board 

Since there aren't any classes held during open days, there aren't many opportunities for prospective students and parents to experience a real university setting. We started our research as soon as we had our problem statements. We created a Google Form and distributed it to a large group of people; we received 81 responses, which was a respectable number. We eliminated the majority of them and used the input that was truly important.

User persona

Even though we began our slides a little earlier than the others, we were still able to integrate them with the project and were almost done with the first prototype.
To simulate how future users might react to the app, we created four user personas: three students and a parent. 

I worked on Adobe Aero to test a mock AR navigation to highlight key spots like the Library, Lecture Theatre 12, Student Life Centre, and The Lakeside.

We have now completed the last phase of our project. We were occupied with completing all of our tasks. Our main goal was to make the Adobe Aero navigation as user-friendly as possible. The entertaining duck animation that served as a user guide on the app was also refined by us. We took our time completing the user flow and wireframes to ensure that everything functioned as intended. We took care to ensure that the design of the interaction map aligned with our goals for the application.

Final Presentation

Click HERE to view the final presentation


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